September 16, 2020 Wednesday

The State Council issued the "Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Shenzhen Park Development Plan"

Information Source: Shenzhen published Release time: 2023-08-30

  The State Council recently issued the "Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Shenzhen Park Development Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"),要求Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,To promote the construction of Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Shenzhen Park with high quality, high standards and high standards,Actively and proactively develop in synergy with Hong Kong parks and complement each other's advantages,To build the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as an international science and technology innovation center is an important pole,To become an important engine for the high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area。

  The Plan is clear,By 2025, an efficient Shenzhen-Hong Kong collaborative mechanism on science and technology innovation will be basically established, and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong open cooperation on science and technology innovation will achieve positive results;The overall reconstruction of Huanggang Port has been completed, cross-border infrastructure connectivity has been achieved, and an efficient customs clearance mode innovation has been achieved;The Shenzhen Park has a mature regulatory model, and the Hong Kong Park has basically achieved smooth flow of factors, integration of innovation chains, and smooth personnel exchanges;Establish a scientific research management system that is fully connected with Hong Kong and the international community, gather a number of Hong Kong and international key laboratory clusters of competitive disciplines, research centers of excellence, and top enterprise R&D centers, and achieve a number of major achievements in scientific and technological cooperation with Hong Kong。到2035年,A pattern of collaborative innovation with Hong Kong parks has taken shape,The degree of internationalization of scientific and technological innovation is leading in the world,Free and orderly cross-border flow of innovation factors,Cultivate a number of world-class innovation carriers and top technology enterprise research and development centers,Become a world-class research hub,It will support the development of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, an international Science and Technology Innovation center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area。

  The Plan lays out the main tasks in four aspects: First, to promote international scientific and technological innovation in collaboration with Hong Kong, promote the coordinated development of Shenzhen and Hong Kong parks, support the development of competitive disciplines in Hong Kong and Macao universities, and jointly build a world-class scientific and technological innovation platform。The second is to build an internationally competitive industrial pilot transformation base, promote the breakthrough development of the new generation of information technology industry, support the innovative application of advanced biomedical technology, and accelerate the layout of the development of artificial intelligence and digital economy frontier areas。Third, build an international system and mechanism for scientific and technological innovation, facilitate the entry and exit of researchers, implement separate management of goods, innovate the supervision of cross-border flow of funds related to scientific research, explore the safe and orderly cross-border flow of Internet data, accelerate the establishment of a higher level of intellectual property protection system, and establish a highly convenient market access system。The fourth is to build a platform for scientific and technological cooperation that gathers global wisdom, deepen international exchanges and cooperation, build an international port for innovative talents, improve all-round scientific research services, and shape an international high-quality scientific research and living community。

  The "Plan" requires the overall promotion of major matters, major policies and major projects in Shenzhen Park。All relevant departments should strengthen guidance and support in combination with their functions, and timely study and solve the difficult problems in the innovation of system and mechanism, the elaboration of policies and measures, and the construction of major projects in the cooperation zone。The National Development and Reform Commission should strengthen overall coordination with relevant departments, follow up and supervise the implementation of planning tasks, and organize evaluations in a timely manner。Guangdong Province should take Shenzhen Park as the frontier position and test platform for deepening reform and expanding opening up in the province, and do a good job in various guidance and support work。Shenzhen should carry out the main responsibility and do a good job in the construction of Shenzhen Park。


Notice of The State Council on printing and distributing "Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Shenzhen Park Development Plan"

Guofa (2023) No. 12

Guangdong Provincial People's Government, ministries and commissions under The State Council, and agencies directly under The State Council:

  The "Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Shenzhen Park Development Plan" is hereby issued to you, please follow it carefully。

The State Council

August 8, 2023

  (This article is released to the public)

  Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Shenzhen Park development plan

  以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视河套深港科技创新合作区(以下简称合作区)建设。2017年7月1日,习近平总书记亲自见证签署《365备用网站》,其中明确要共同开发建设合作区。In July 2018, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council issued the Outline of the Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, making arrangements for the planning and construction of the cooperation zone。2020年10月14日,习近平总书记在深圳经济特区建立40周年庆祝大会上发表重要讲话,明确指出要规划建设好河套深港科技创新合作区。为全面贯彻落实习近平总书记重要指示精神,In-depth Implementation of the Outline for the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,Promote the construction of cooperation zone Shenzhen Park with high quality, high standard and high level,Actively and proactively develop in synergy with Hong Kong parks and complement each other's advantages,Formulate this plan,Planning for the near term to 2025,Look ahead to 2035。

  I. Planning background

  In January 2017, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government signed a memorandum of cooperation to jointly develop the cooperation zone。The Cooperation zone is located in the cross-border border zone between the northern part of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the central and southern part of Shenzhen, and is a natural meeting point between the northern metropolitan area of Hong Kong and the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, covering an area of about 3.89 square kilometers。Among them, the Shenzhen Park (the "Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Park" as mentioned in the Memorandum of Cooperation) covers an area of 3.The area of the Hong Kong Park (the "Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park" as referred to in the MOU) is 02 square kilometres.87 square kilometers。The planning scope of Shenzhen Park includes Futian Free Trade Zone and Huanggang Port area: Futian Free Trade Zone area 1.35 square kilometers, east Huanggang estuary, south along the Shenzhen River, west to Xinzhou River, north to Ronghua Road;Huanggang port area 1.67 square kilometers, east to Huaqiang South Road, south to Shenzhen River, west to Huanggang Road, north to Binhe Avenue。

  Planning and building cooperation zones,It is a strong support for advancing the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and supporting Shenzhen in building a pilot demonstration zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics,It is the two sides that actively seize the major opportunities of the new round of scientific and technological revolution,It is an important measure to jointly promote scientific and technological innovation and industrial development through mutually beneficial cooperation,It is conducive to Shenzhen's innovation and technology management mechanism, docking with internationally accepted innovation rules, carrying out international collaborative innovation, and building a modern international innovative city.It will help the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region deeply connect its advantages in scientific and technological innovation and financial opening-up with the complete industrial chain of the PRD region,To promote the development of Hong Kong as an international centre of innovation and technology and the planning and development of the Northern metropolitan area;It will help enrich the practice of "one country, two systems" and support Hong Kong's integration into the overall development of the country,To promote the high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and build a world-class innovation platform and growth pole。

  At present, in-depth promotion of the planning and construction of cooperation zones has a good foundation for development。

  -- Outstanding location advantages and superior conditions for cross-border cooperation。The Shenzhen Park and the Hong Kong Park are directly across the river, with two land ports connecting Shenzhen and Hong Kong, Futian Port and Huanggang Port, which is the most direct contact point for Shenzhen-Hong Kong science and technology innovation cooperation。Shenzhen Park can be quickly connected to Hong Kong International Airport, Shenzhen Bao 'an International Airport, Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed rail Futian station,Form a "half-hour research circle" with innovative nodes such as Shenzhen Guangming Science City and Hong Kong Science Park,Form "one-hour industrial circle" with Guangzhou, Dongguan, Huizhou and other cities,It has the special advantages of integrating the superior industrial resources of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, gathering global scientific and technological innovation elements, and linking international and domestic markets。

  -- Strong economic foundation and strong vitality of scientific and technological innovation。Shenzhen has a good business environment, a developed private economy, a strong atmosphere for innovation and entrepreneurship, and obvious advantages in the development of high-tech industries, with comprehensive advantages such as rich application scenarios, sound industrial system and connectivity to the vast mainland market。Hong Kong is an international financial, shipping and trade center with a free port policy, a professional service system, a highly open scientific research environment and rich scientific and educational resources。The Shenzhen Park relies on the complementary advantages of Shenzhen and Hong Kong's high-level marketization, internationalization and technology industries,It has unique conditions to link international scientific and technological innovation networks, carry out international scientific and technological cooperation, and align with international general rules,The whole process of innovation ecological chain of "basic research + technology research + achievement industrialization + science and technology finance + talent support" can be established,It has become the source of original innovation, the birthplace of key core technologies, the best place for the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, the deep integration of science and technology and finance, and the gathering place for the world's first-class scientific and technological innovation talents。

  - Shenzhen and Hong Kong have a strong willingness to cooperate in development and great potential for synergistic development。Scientific and technological innovation is the "biggest common factor" of Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation. The two sides have a high degree of consensus, positive willingness and active interaction, and basically formed a cooperation mechanism of efficient collaboration and mutual support。The Hong Kong and Shenzhen governments set up a joint task force to work together on the development of the Hong Kong Park, support the development of the Shenzhen Park, and jointly establish a co-operation zone。目前,Shenzhen Park land preparation, space mobilization, project reserves and other work progress rapidly,Futian Free Trade Zone has used the existing space to gather a number of Hong Kong scientific research and innovation institutions and entrepreneurial teams,Hong Kong universities have proposed a number of cutting-edge scientific research projects that they hope to settle in the Shenzhen Park.Hong Kong is moving ahead with plans to prepare Hong Kong Parks for accelerated development and enhanced functions,Operating companies will actively cooperate,Adequate development and construction costs have been arranged in the budget。

  当前,A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is gaining momentum around the world,The international economic and technological competition is complicated,International competition in high-tech field is becoming increasingly fierce,Hong Kong looks forward to improving its industrial structure through innovation and technology,Shenzhen hopes to further strengthen the internal driving force of economic growth,The two sides have put forward an urgent need to build an open collaborative innovation community。Due to deep differences in laws, systems and rules, Shenzhen and Hong Kong still face many bottlenecks in the cross-border flow of scientific and technological innovation factors, open sharing of resources, and collaboration in the science and technology industry。The new era has endowed Shenzhen-Hong Kong co-operation with new connotations and new missions. It is urgent to take the co-operation Zone as a breakthrough and pilot zone to promote openness, innovation and co-ordinated development, promote effective allocation of resources on a wider scale, facilitate the convenient and efficient flow of innovation factors, and provide technological and institutional innovation supplies for the high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area。

  Second, general requirements

  (1) Guiding ideology

  Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,We will fully implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20 National Congress,Implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner,We will accelerate the building of a new pattern of development,We will strive to promote high-quality development,Centering on the central task of promoting international scientific and technological innovation in collaboration with Hong Kong,Firmly grasp the major strategic opportunities in building the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Shenzhen into a pilot demonstration zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Adhere to the two-wheel drive of scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation,The Shenzhen Park and the Hong Kong Park will continue to develop in tandem,Adhere to the global allocation of first-class science and innovation resources,We will give full play to Hong Kong's role as a "super contact" who "backs the motherland and connects the world",We will establish a system of policies and rules most conducive to scientific and technological innovation,To build an internationally leading cluster of scientific research and experiment facilities,Establish a more complete ecosystem for scientific and technological innovation,Take the lead in integrating into the global innovation network,To build the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as an international science and technology innovation center is an important pole,To become an important engine for the high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area。

  2. Development orientation

  -- Shenzhen-Hong Kong Pilot Zone for opening up cooperation in science, technology and Innovation。Take advantage of the unique "platform" and "channel" role of Shenzhen Park,Jointly build a world-class scientific research and experimental facility cluster in Hong Kong Park,Gather global high-end innovation factor resources,Bring together the world's top scientific and technological talents,Link to the international science and technology innovation network,Actively carry out international scientific and technological cooperation,Jointly build a new benchmark for Shenzhen-Hong Kong science and technology innovation, opening up and co-operation and an international high ground for science and technology innovation。

  -- International pilot zone for advanced scientific and technological innovation rules。Give full play to the advantages of Shenzhen and Hong Kong's complementary science and technology industries, the cross-border border of the park and the special customs supervision area of the Shenzhen Park,Closely around the task of institutional innovation and scientific and technological innovation,Create a highly open international scientific research institutional environment,Align with Hong Kong and international advanced research rules,We will accelerate the formation of flexible, efficient and risk-controlled cross-border scientific and technological innovation systems and mechanisms,It will play an exemplary and leading role in deepening the reform of the science and technology system and expanding opening-up in the new era。

  -- Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area pilot transformation cluster。Pooling the strengths of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao,We must focus on the world's scientific and technological frontiers, the main economic battlefields, the major needs of the country, and the lives and health of the people,We will strive to make breakthroughs in key core technologies in key areas,Accelerate the transformation from research and development to engineering pilot test,Build a world-class pilot transformation service platform,A number of technological and industrial innovation achievements have been formed,Continue to generate high-quality technological innovation supply for the development of the Greater Bay Area。

  3. Development goals

  Closely link the timing of the construction of the Hong Kong Park and the Greater Bay Area Comprehensive National Science Center, with 2025 and 2035 as key nodes to advance the construction of the Shenzhen Park in stages。

  By 2025, an efficient Shenzhen-Hong Kong collaborative mechanism on science and technology innovation will be basically established, and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong open cooperation on science and technology innovation will achieve positive results。The overall reconstruction of Huanggang Port has been completed, cross-border infrastructure connectivity has been achieved, and an efficient customs clearance mode innovation has been achieved。The Shenzhen Park has a mature regulatory model, and the Hong Kong Park has basically achieved smooth flow of factors, integration of innovation chains, and smooth personnel exchanges。Establish a scientific research management system that is fully connected with Hong Kong and the international community, gather a number of Hong Kong and international key laboratory clusters of competitive disciplines, research centers of excellence, and top enterprise R&D centers, and achieve a number of major achievements in scientific and technological cooperation with Hong Kong。

  到2035年,A pattern of collaborative innovation with Hong Kong parks has taken shape,The degree of internationalization of scientific and technological innovation is leading in the world,Free and orderly cross-border flow of innovation factors,Cultivate a number of world-class innovation carriers and top technology enterprise research and development centers,Become a world-class research hub,It will support the development of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, an international Science and Technology Innovation center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area。

  Third, the overall layout

  4. Regional linkage pattern

  Linkage with Shenzhen Guangming Science City, focus on providing an international scientific research environment and platform for the original innovation of Science City, continue to output innovation experience, and promote scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation to promote each other and complement each other。Linkage with the Hong Kong Park, strengthen the connection with the construction sequence, key areas and major projects of the Hong Kong Park, promote the interconnection of facilities, service sharing and innovation collaboration, actively cooperate with Hong Kong's scientific and technological innovation development strategy, and strongly support the planning and construction of the northern metropolitan area of Hong Kong。To link the nodes of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong and Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Macao Science and Technology Innovation Corridors of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area International Science and Technology Innovation Centre, achieve efficient and convenient flow of science and technology innovation elements, carry out high-level cooperation and efficient collaboration, effectively integrate Hong Kong's original innovation and the advantages of high-tech industries in the Pearl River Delta region, and radiate scientific and technological innovation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area。

  (5) Spatial layout of the district

  Based on the existing port facility distribution, land spatial conditions and regional construction foundation of Shenzhen Park, centering on the development goals and tasks, it actively connects the spatial function layout and architectural form of Hong Kong Park to build the overall spatial pattern of "one heart and two wings"。The central area includes Futian Port, Huanggang Port passenger inspection area and surrounding living areas, planning to build an international high-end science and technology service hub, to undertake port comprehensive services and high-end science and technology service functions。The west wing includes Futian Free Trade Zone, which is planned to build a high-end scientific research area and a pilot conversion base。The east wing includes the current cargo inspection area of Huanggang Port and its northeast living area, which is planned to build an international collaborative innovation area and an international talent community。

  (6) Zoning supervision layout

  Based on the existing management facilities and basic conditions in the special supervision area of Shenzhen Park Customs,Under the premise of controllable risks,Establish a "white list" system for industries, institutions and individuals in customs supervision areas such as the Futian Free Trade Zone,The entry and exit of personnel and the flow of goods in customs supervision areas under specific closed management shall be subject to "first-line" and "second-line" separate management,We will establish a highly open and special regulatory system,Promote efficient and convenient flow of innovation factors,To create a highly integrated scientific research environment between Hong Kong and the international community。Among them, the "frontline" between the customs supervision area and Hong Kong shall be implemented for port management;The customs supervision area and other areas within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall be set as a "second line", and channel management shall be implemented。

  Connect the development and construction sequence of Hong Kong Park, and implement special supervision on Futian Free Trade Zone and Huanggang Port area step by step。Futian Free Trade Zone will make use of the existing customs special supervision system and facilities, gradually withdraw non-bonded enterprises and production and processing types through inventory management, orderly import Hong Kong and international high-end science and innovation resources, and basically form an international modern high-end scientific research area by 2025。Huanggang Port area combined with port reconstruction and cancellation of cargo inspection function, release the land space of the cargo inspection area, determine the supervision arrangement according to the development needs of the cooperation zone, and temporarily do not implement the tax policy related to line management before the realization of closed management。

  7. Layout of major infrastructure

  -- Improving the regional external transport network。Study the introduction of intercity railways such as Suzhou-Guanzhou-Shenzhen-etc,Accelerate the construction of Shenzhen Urban Rail Transit Line 6 branch line further south extension to Shenzhen Park,To connect Shenzhen Park with major science and innovation platforms in the Guangming Science City of Shenzhen and Songshan Lake Science City of Dongguan in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area;Promoting the upgrading and upgrading of Huanggang Road and the south extension of Xinzhou Road,Smooth the connection between Shenzhen Park and key development areas in Shenzhen。To actively cooperate with Hong Kong in studying the feasibility of connecting the Northern Link branch to the New Huanggang Port via the Hong Kong Park in the Lok Ma Chau Loop area。

  -- Optimizing intra-regional transport networks。Improve the layout of the Shenzhen Park's external entrances and exits, smooth the transportation links within each area, build a "five horizontal and six vertical" road network, and promote the transformation of the Lok Ma Chau Bridge and connecting lines。Reserve a suitable location in Shenzhen Park to build a cross-border channel with Hong Kong Park to realize convenient exchanges between scientific and technological personnel of the two parks。

  -- Promoting the transformation of ports and surrounding areas。Accelerate the overall reconstruction of Huanggang Port and the transformation and upgrading of the No. 1 channel of Futian Free Trade Zone, and realize the convenient interconnection of Huanggang Port area, Futian Port Area and Futian Free Trade Zone。Promote the reconstruction of the current cargo inspection area of Huanggang Port, and join hands with Hong Kong Park to build an international first-class science and technology park。Promote the continuous transformation of Huanggang Port living area and Futian Port area, expand and improve the functions of the port area, realize the coordinated development of the two ports, and build a modern port and comprehensive service hub facing domestic and international。Support Shenzhen Park to innovate land reprovisioning models, pilot new ways of land supply, and explore new models of park renewal。On the premise of ensuring building structure and fire safety, support building design innovation and optimize relevant approval and regulatory procedures。

  To work with Hong Kong to promote international scientific and technological innovation

  (8) Promoting the coordinated development of Shenzhen and Hong Kong parks。The Shenzhen Park will take the initiative to strengthen the planning connection with the Hong Kong Park, jointly promote infrastructure construction and park operation and management, and strengthen the overall development and utilization of "two sides of one river" and "one district and two parks"。Focusing on the key areas and priorities of the Hong Kong Park, the Shenzhen Park will build a number of major collaborative projects with mutually supportive functions and closely related fields, and strengthen the seamless docking and efficient collaboration of supporting facilities related to production, life and ecology。

  (9) To support the upgrading of the level of competitive disciplines in higher education institutions in Hong Kong and Macao。To introduce key research projects in competitive disciplines from renowned universities in Hong Kong and Macao, support the National Key Laboratories of Hong Kong and Macao and the Hong Kong Institute for Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to expand their space in the Shenzhen Park, and carry out fundamental interdisciplinary research and technological breakthroughs that play a leading role。To support the joint establishment of graduate schools by universities in Shenzhen and Hong Kong to jointly cultivate innovative talents。Support universities, research institutes and enterprises of the two places to jointly undertake major national science and technology projects, major science and technology innovation 2030-major projects, national key research and development plans, and jointly participate in international big science plans and big science projects。

  10. Jointly build a world-class platform for scientific and technological innovation。For information science and technology, material science and technology, life science and technology and other key directions,Focus on network and communication, semiconductors and integrated circuits, intelligent terminals, intelligent sensors, intelligent robots, precision instruments and equipment, new materials, high-end medical devices, biomedicine, blockchain and quantum information, cells and genes and other frontier intersection fields,Support the joint construction of research Centers of Excellence, cutting-edge cross-cutting research platforms, artificial intelligence application demonstration platforms, digital economy and financial supercomputing clusters, and "Quantum Valley" in Shenzhen Park, where universities and research institutes at home and abroad are located.,To promote deeper integration of scientific and technological resources in the Greater Bay Area。To work with Hong Kong to introduce top international R&D enterprises, set up joint R&D centres, and promote the development of applied basic research capabilities in Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area。

  5. Build a pilot transformation base for industries with international competitiveness

  11. Promoting breakthroughs in the development of the next-generation information technology industry。We will give full play to the advantages of being market-oriented, being the mainstay of enterprises, and deeply integrating production, universities, and research institutes,Target integrated circuit design, software development, closed test and pilot test, fifth generation mobile communication (5G), etc,Accelerate the construction of 5G medium and high frequency device testing, advanced display research and development verification, integrated circuit research and testing, high-end chip design verification, advanced semiconductor sealing and testing, MEMS research and development, robot inspection and certification and other pilot public service platforms,We will tackle key technologies in the industrial chain,We will accelerate breakthroughs in cutting-edge generic technologies in the information industry,Promote the formation of relevant technical standards。Focusing on the national information technology industry development strategy, we will vigorously cultivate and develop cutting-edge information industries such as future networks, new displays, and next-generation network equipment。

  (12) Supporting the innovative application of advanced biomedical technologies。We will promote the cross-integration of biotechnology with information technology and material technology,We will accelerate technological innovation in interdisciplinary fields such as medical imaging, precision medicine, cell therapy, and new biomedical materials,Cooperation will focus on drugs and vaccines, genetic testing and diagnosis and treatment, high-end medical devices, and the application of artificial intelligence in biotechnology,We will focus on developing high-performance medical devices such as next-generation gene sequencers and medical robots。Vigorously develop innovative drugs, build a public biomedical research and development service platform, and support the world's top pharmaceutical research and development production outsourcing service enterprises to provide integrated pharmaceutical research and development services。To give full play to the role of the Greater Bay Area Sub-Centre for Drug Evaluation and Inspection of the National Drug Administration, the Greater Bay Area Sub-Centre for Medical Device Technical Evaluation and Inspection and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay International Clinical Trial Centre, and speed up the promotion of rules for drug and medical device evaluation, inspection and clinical trials in line with international standards。Explore and establish a new management model suitable for the research and development of new biopharmaceutical devices such as cell therapy and gene therapy in the customs supervision area of Shenzhen Park in accordance with laws and regulations, and pilot relax the access restrictions for foreign-funded biopharmaceutical enterprises。

  (13) Accelerate the layout of the frontier areas of artificial intelligence and digital economy development。Seize the first opportunity for the development of artificial intelligence industry,Build an open innovation platform for artificial intelligence,Support intelligent sensors, artificial intelligence algorithms, graphics processing chips and other basic software and hardware development,Build a demonstration base for intelligent manufacturing unmanned factories and an intelligent network-connected unmanned autonomous bus application demonstration area,We will promote the development of artificial intelligence and digital industries。We will accelerate the formulation of a standard framework system for artificial intelligence technology, and carry out pilot demonstrations of innovative applications in smart manufacturing, smart medical care, and smart connected vehicles。We will actively explore the standardized application of big data, cloud computing, blockchain and other technologies in the financial sector, and carry out financial business model innovation in a steady and orderly manner under the premise of law and compliance, controllable risks, and sustainable business。We will accelerate the construction of a data trading venue in Shenzhen and deepen the reform of market-based allocation of data elements。

  Sixth, build an international scientific and technological innovation system

  (14) Facilitating access for researchers。In accordance with the principle of steady progress and step-by-step implementation, the customs clearance mode of "first-line highly convenient entry and exit" has been adopted in the early stage。After the conditions are mature in the later stage, we will work with Hong Kong to explore the implementation of more convenient entry-exit and stay policies in the customs supervision area of the Shenzhen Park。Items enter the Shenzhen Park through the "first-line" and are regulated and taxed in accordance with the current regulations on baggage postal items。Accelerate the preparation and opening of special cross-border ports in the cooperation zone, and facilitate customs clearance for cross-border exchanges between enterprises and scientific research institutions in the cooperation zone。In conjunction with the implementation of the "co-location" scheme at the Huanggang Port, we will study and deal with the connection arrangement of the cross-boundary special ports in the cooperation Zone, so as to better link up with the port facilities and management system of Hong Kong。

  (15) Implement separate line management of goods。The customs supervision area of Shenzhen Park implements special supervision, and implements a supervision mode of "first-line release, second-line control, and freedom within the zone" for goods to facilitate the entry and exit of scientific and technological innovation-related goods。We will explore the implementation of a "white list" system for the record management of scientific research institutions and enterprises, exempt qualified imported scientific research goods from customs duties, import value-added tax and consumption tax, and implement a customs clearance facilitation management model。Goods entering Shenzhen through the "second line" shall be subject to customs duties, import value-added tax and consumption tax in accordance with the relevant provisions on imported goods, except the "first line" goods that have been paid taxes;From Shenzhen through the "second line" into the customs supervision area, involving export tariff taxable goods should also be levied export tariffs。Specific administrative measures shall be formulated separately by the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs, the State Administration of Taxation and other relevant departments。

  (16) Supervision of cross-border flows of funds related to innovation and research。Support venture capital from the mainland and Hong Kong in jointly establishing venture capital funds,Create a venture capital fund gathering place for two resources and two markets,Give full play to the advantages of RMB international investment and lending funds,Explore the establishment of the cross-border dual-currency early parent fund and a series of professional sub-funds in the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone,Invest in science and innovation enterprises in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area。To allow cross-boundary funding for research projects in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, draw on international experience and Hong Kong practices, and study and improve the regulatory system for research funding。In Shenzhen Park for "white list" research institutions and enterprises to further promote cross-border trade and investment facilitation。To strengthen co-operation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, promote the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area bond platform, and continue to optimize and deepen pilot work on cross-border bond products。Encourage Shenzhen to formulate support policies for high-quality enterprises in the Shenzhen Park to facilitate the cross-border flow of funds related to scientific research。We will explore new ways of financial regulation。

  (17) Explore the safe and orderly cross-border flow of Internet data。We will support the construction of a dedicated international data channel in the Shenzhen Park, and explore the construction of international information and communication facilities such as an international communication gateway Office。Under the framework of the national security management system for cross-border data transmission, the government will study the construction of green channels for fixed-line networks to access the Internet, and explore the formation of mechanisms that can facilitate data flow and ensure security。Support registered scientific research institutions and enterprises to achieve cross-border connectivity of scientific research data under the premise of ensuring security。To carry out trials to cancel long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones in the customs supervision area of the Shenzhen Park, and explore allowing qualified Hong Kong communication service providers to build communications infrastructure and provide communications services in the customs supervision area。Pilot the establishment of a Hong Kong Telecom operation enterprise data disaster recovery center in Shenzhen Park, and the establishment of Internet access service provider access qualification background review, access user real-name registration and management mechanisms。

  (18) Accelerating the establishment of a higher-level intellectual property protection system。We will strengthen intellectual property protection, further explore ways to improve the intellectual property protection system that is in line with international standards, accurately apply the punitive damages system, and encourage mediation, arbitration and other means to resolve intellectual property disputes。Strengthen intellectual property protection capacity building, and provide one-stop services for Shenzhen Park。On the premise that it does not violate the basic principles of national laws and does not harm national sovereignty, security and social and public interests, study allowing Hong Kong enterprises registered in the customs supervision area of Shenzhen Park to choose Hong Kong law to settle contract disputes and choose Hong Kong as the place of arbitration。We will explore ways for cross-border transfer and transaction of intellectual property rights, and form a model of intellectual property securitization that can be used for reference and replicated。

  (19) To create a tax environment similar to that of Hong Kong。Enterprise income tax shall be levied at a reduced rate of 15% for enterprises in encouraged industries within specific closed areas, and the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation shall formulate a preferential industry catalogue according to procedures。To implement the policy of subsidizing the difference in personal income tax burden for qualified overseas talents (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) and talents in short supply in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and exempt Hong Kong residents working in Shenzhen Park whose personal income tax burden exceeds that of Hong Kong, so as to effectively reduce the tax burden of scientific research institutions and personnel。

  International employment and social security policies。To implement the "white list" professional qualification management facilitation policy in Shenzhen Park, and support professionals with Hong Kong and Macao professional qualifications on the "white list" to provide professional services directly after filing (except legal services, securities fund futures and other special industries)。We will enhance the flexibility of the labor market, explore ways to improve the labor contract system in terms of concluding open-ended labor contracts and setting upper limits for economic compensation in accordance with relevant laws and regulations。Hong Kong residents working in Shenzhen Park, who have participated in local social insurance in Hong Kong and continue to retain social insurance relationships, may be exempted from participating in basic pension insurance and unemployment insurance in Shenzhen Park with certificates issued by relevant authorized agencies。To allow employers to purchase employees' compensation insurance in Hong Kong, and encourage active research and exploration to optimize the compensation structure of work-related injury insurance。

  (21) Fully integrating international scientific research management systems and mechanisms。We will improve the way in which scientific research resources are allocated, reform the way in which scientific research projects are established, organized and implemented, and reasonably draw on the Hong Kong and international management systems in terms of research project evaluation, funding expenditure and process management。Focus on the needs of the industry, and implement global disclosure of major scientific and technological issues。We will thoroughly implement the mechanism for coordinating government and enterprise operations,We will support enterprises and other social forces in setting up science funds and science and technology awards,Basic research, applied basic research and technology development projects carried out by research institutes that have received investment from enterprises,We will facilitate joint financial investment,Eligible candidates can apply for a certain percentage of financial support。We will improve the classification and evaluation system for scientific and technological achievements, adopt a market-oriented evaluation system for scientific and technological achievements, introduce international peer review, and establish a credit evaluation system for review experts。Reform the management of scientific research funds,Implement a system of contracting funds,Cultivate research project managers,Scientific research institutions and researchers shall be granted greater rights of independent control of personnel and property,We will carry out trials to grant scientific researchers the right of ownership or long-term use of scientific and technological achievements, evaluate achievements, and distribute benefits,We will increase cross-border use of research funds,To explore the application of the auditing standards of Hong Kong and Macao。We will explore the orderly opening of non-secret (sensitive) projects in the government's science and technology program to overseas research institutions。To promote the joint construction and sharing of scientific research equipment and facilities between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and achieve two-way openness and efficient utilization of scientific and technological resources。We will promote in-depth exchanges between science and technology and finance, research and development and the market, scientists and entrepreneurs, and promote technological innovation and wealth creation。

  (22) Establishing a highly convenient market access system。Deepen the reform of the commercial system, explore the pilot implementation of the administrative confirmation system of enterprise registration in the customs supervision area of the Shenzhen Park, and promote the reform of scenario-based themed services of "one thing at a time"。We will fully implement the management system of pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list for foreign investment。In the fields of medical technology, big data and artificial intelligence, robotics, new materials and microelectronics, the scope of business that Hong Kong-funded institutions can carry out will be moderately relaxed。To actively promote more interconnection arrangements between institutions of the two places using the Mainland's fintech innovation regulatory tools and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority's Fintech regulatory sandbox, and facilitate financial institutions and technology companies to use a one-stop platform to test their cross-boundary fintech projects in Hong Kong and Mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area at the same time。Support creative industries (including film and television production, professional design and advertising service providers) that apply innovative technologies to settle in accordance with the law and regulations。

  Vii. Build a platform for science and technology cooperation that gathers global wisdom

  Deepening international exchanges and cooperation。Support the scientific research infrastructure and scientific and technological innovation platform of Shenzhen Park to jointly build a more open innovation system, promote the sharing of scientific and technological resources and cooperation on technical standards, and attract top talents from around the world to carry out scientific research cooperation。Support the establishment of the World Innovation Cities Cooperation Organization, and promote the coordination of mechanisms, platforms and projects among global innovation cities。We will support international science and technology organizations such as the BRICS Institute for Future Networks in setting up branches in the Shenzhen Park and establishing through-trains of innovation and entrepreneurship with major innovation hubs around the world, so as to realize the interconnection of capital, talent, information, technology and education resources。Support innovative international industry and standard organization management system,For specific international industry and standards organizations such as the World Wireless LAN Application Development Alliance residing in the Shenzhen Park,When applying for incorporation registration,Cancel the pre-approval of the competent business unit,Simplify the registration process,Shorten registration time,Allow membership worldwide;meanwhile,Establish a comprehensive supervision mechanism with reference to the national industry association Chamber of Commerce after decoupling,Strengthen supervision。

  (24) Building an international port for innovative talents。Establish an internationally competitive talent recruitment mechanism, facilitate the application of visas and residence permits for foreign talents (including foreign Hong Kong residents), and gather a group of leading scientific and technological talents with an international vision。Restrictions on people from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other foreign countries serving as directors, supervisors, senior executives and persons in charge of enterprises will be fully lifted。Establish a scientific research integrity system that conforms to the laws of scientific research and ADAPTS to the requirements of scientific and technological innovation and development。Build a comprehensive service platform for international scientific and technological talents, provide one-stop service for the introduction of international talents, and facilitate the stay and work of registered overseas persons in the customs supervision area of Shenzhen Park。

  25. Improving all-round scientific research services。Strengthen the connection with the national science and technology resource sharing service platform,Combined with the reality of the cooperation zone,We will build public scientific research facilities and instrument service platforms,To provide open and shared scientific research facilities for scientific research institutions and enterprises in the cooperation area;Build an international scientific and technological information service platform,Provide international scientific and technological information services such as scientific and technological documents, trends, and policies。Gather internationally renowned venture capital institutions, arbitration, mediation organizations, and high-end professional service institutions such as law, accounting, and human resources to provide high-quality services for scientific research activities。Explore the establishment of a project and capital docking platform, and introduce domestic and foreign venture capital enterprises to participate in promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements。

  (26) Shaping an international, high-quality scientific research and living community。Drawing on the development experience of advanced parks, we will introduce world-class education, health, cultural and sports resources into the customs supervision area of Shenzhen Park, build diversified and high-quality international and high-quality living facilities, and implement the tax refund policy for overseas tourists' shopping and departure。We will allocate living space for high-end talents in a scientific way, improve the service standard system, innovate the governance model of the park, and enhance the attraction and cohesion of international researchers。

  8. Safeguards

  27. Comprehensively strengthen Party leadership and Party building。Implement the general requirements for Party building in the new era,The Party's leadership is implemented in all aspects of Shenzhen Park planning and construction,Meet the new mode of development and construction of Shenzhen park and the new requirements of opening up,Actively innovate the party building work in the international environment,The Party's political, organizational and institutional advantages will be transformed into a strong guarantee for Shenzhen Park to comprehensively deepen reform and expand opening up。

  28. Strengthening legal safeguards。Give full play to the advantages of the "one country, two systems" system, and under the premise of following the Constitution and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, explore the gradual establishment of a system of civil and commercial rules in the customs supervision area of the Shenzhen Park to connect with Hong Kong and integrate with the international community。Related to reform and opening up policies and measures,Involving temporary adjustment or suspension of the application of existing legal provisions,Relevant parties shall submit relevant bills to the National People's Congress or its Standing Committee in accordance with legal procedures,Implementation upon authorization or decision;Involving temporary adjustment or suspension of the application of the current administrative regulations,It shall be implemented after the relevant party submits to The State Council for authorization or decision in accordance with legal procedures。Under the premise of following the basic principles of the Constitution, laws and administrative regulations, the legislative power of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone will be fully utilized, allowing Shenzhen to adapt laws, administrative regulations and local regulations according to the authorization based on the needs of the reform and innovation practice of the Shenzhen Park。

  29. Improving cooperation mechanisms。On the basis of the establishment of the Hong Kong Park Joint Task Force between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, the coordination mechanism for the construction and development of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation Zone will be deepened, a regular meeting system and a special meeting system will be established, and major issues such as policy formulation and joint development of the cooperation zone will be coordinated。Support the establishment of a Shenzhen Park Council and an expert Advisory Committee jointly between Shenzhen and Hong Kong,Attracting outstanding representatives from Shenzhen and Hong Kong,Jointly provide strategic consulting for "one district and two parks",Focus on the key issues of Shenzhen Park's priority development areas, major research plans, major project layout, scientific research funding management, park operation management, investment promotion, industry introduction, talent introduction, international promotion and park services,A cooperation promotion mechanism featuring collaborative planning, joint construction and shared results will be established。

  30. Strengthening organization and implementation。Under the leadership of the central Regional Coordinated Development Leading Group, it will coordinate and promote major matters, major policies and major projects of Shenzhen Park。All relevant departments should strengthen guidance and support in combination with their functions, timely study and solve the difficult problems of the cooperation zone in institutional and mechanism innovation, policy and measure refinement and major project construction, and give full play to the guiding role of investment within the central budget。Establish and improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism for institutional innovation, continue to plan and form a list of innovation policies, and submit them to the central Leading Group for regional coordinated Development for consideration when conditions are ripe。The National Development and Reform Commission shall strengthen overall coordination with relevant departments, follow up and supervise the implementation of planning tasks, organize and carry out assessments in a timely manner, and request instructions and reports on major matters to the Party Central Committee and The State Council in accordance with procedures。Guangdong Province should take Shenzhen Park as the frontier position and test platform for deepening reform and expanding opening up in the province, and do a good job in various guidance and support work。Shenzhen should implement the main responsibility, strengthen the work force, improve the work mechanism, refine the work tasks, emancipate the mind, forge ahead, and do all the work of Shenzhen Park construction。

  Content source: Xinhua China Government network

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